Posts Tagged 'einstein'

Did You Know?


You may be wondering why Einstein’s brain is smaller than average. This is due to the fact that our brains shrink the further we go into aging after our early 20’s ( the approximate time the brain stops growing). This does not mean that we become dumber as time progresses since our brains’ are getting smaller. The brain still functions sharply well into old age as long one takes good care of it, like Einstein. What separates Einstein’s brain from everybody else’s is the large amount of glial cells he had which was greater than the average amount of glial cells in a person’s brain. These glial cells not only provide support for neurons, but they also encourage the growth and prosperity of synapses between neurons. On top of this, glial cells also allow the connection between neurons to become stronger. Einstein’s large number of glial cells allowed him to comprehend and think about very difficult concepts that were very challenging to the average brain. Food for thought.

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