Posts Tagged 'bad habits'

Don’t Allow Your Body to Control You

ImageOften times people fall victim to their body by following through with some of their body’s bad compulsions and desires. For example, lets say you decide to go on a diet in order to lose weight for the betterment of your health. One day during your diet, you body gives you an urge to have a large amount of junk food in order to satisfy your large cravings because of the diet; hours after fighting that strong urge, you finally give in and allow your body to have its way despite the fact that you are on a diet. You may be asking yourself “why would my body do such a thing to me?” The reason why your body does this is because of the fact that it is trying to maintain homeostasis within your body which basically is Imageyour body’s internal state of chemical balance. By having poor eating habits, or any other poor habits for that matter, you are causing your body to function at level that goes with your habitual behavior. If your body isn’t being satisfied chemically wise,as a result of you straying from your normal habits, it will constantly send signals to your brain trying to convince it to allow your body to have it their way, so it can maintain it’s chemical balance . This is why it can be so hard to break a bad habit that is ingrained into you. The good news is that if you continue to fight your body’s urges and desires, your body will eventually give in and set a new level of chemical balance for your body, but you must consistently ignore your body’s urges if you want this to happen. So what are you waiting for?!! Go out there and break some of your bad habits. Your life will change for the better.  

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